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Academic Board Profiles
Academic Board

Mr Lewis Patrick
Chair, The College of Law
BA LLB (Sydney); LLM (UTS); Grad Cert in University Teaching and Learning (CSU); Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW
Lewis Patrick is Chief Academic Officer and Deputy CEO of the College. He has been a Lecturer at the College of Law since 1992, and a solicitor in private practice since 1978. Along with several other positions he is currently the Australasian Liaison Officer for the Organising Committee if the IBA Conference 2017.
Justice Robert Benjamin
Deputy Chair, The College of Law
Dip Law (SAB); LLM (UTS)
Justice Benjamin has been a Judge of the Family Court of Australia since August 2005; he is based at the Hobart Registry of that Court. He is also a Presidential Member of the Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal.Justice Benjamin has a deep interest in legal education. He is involved in legal training through the University of Tasmania and the Tasmanian legal practice course. At one time he chaired the Education Committee of the Family Court and was for many years a member of the organising committee for the Judges Orientation Course operated under the auspices of the National Judicial College.
Prior to appointment, Justice Benjamin practiced at a private profession for thirty years, almost exclusively in family law. In 2003, Justice Benjamin was President of the Law Society New South Wales and had chaired its Family Law Committee for many years.

Prof Robert Meyenn
External Academic Education, The College of Law
Cert Teaching (Balmain Teachers College); Adv Dip Education (Bristol); M Ed (Bristol); PhD (Aston)
Professor Meyenn is one of Australia’s foremost university educators, holding such positions (now and formerly) as Provost CSU-Ontario at Charles Sturt University and President of the Australian Association for Research in Education.
Prof Ross Grantham
External Academic – Law, The College of Law
LLM (Hons) (Auckland), BCL (Oxford), LLD (Queensland) Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand
Professor Grantham is Professor of Commercial Law and Director of Teaching and Learning at the TC Beirne School of Law, The University of Queensland. He is the author of a number of monographs and casebooks, numerous journal articles, and has edited four collections of scholarly essays.Professor Grantham is also a member of the editorial boards of The Company Lawyer and the Journal of Corporate Law Studies and is the Australian editor of the Journal of Business Law.

Ms Jodie Masson
Industry Representative, The College of Law
BA LLB (Macq); Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW
Jodie Masson specialises in complex property transactions and advices. Her experience includes acquisitions (including due diligence), sales, leasing and licensing documentation (including national retail leases legislation compliance), project documentation and general property law advice. She was made a fellow member of the Australian Property Institute as part of the API’s Property Leaders’ Program in 2011. She is listed in Best Lawyers in Australia (2015) in the practice area of Real Property Law and was a finalist in the NSW Women Lawyers Achievement Award for “Women Lawyer of the Year in Private Practice”.
Mr Neville Carter
CEO & Principal, The College of Law
BA LLB (Sydney); MBA (Melb); Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW
Neville Carter is the CEO & Principal of the College of Law. He is a legal practitioner and academic of approx 40 years standing and established the IPLS program in New Zealand and a similar program for PLT students in Malaysia. Mr Carter has been Principal of the College of Law for over 20 years.
Ms Kathryn Kearley
Academic Staff Representative – Assistant Director (Learning Design), The College of Law
BA LLB (UNSW); LLM (Hons) (UNE); Master of Higher Education (Macq); Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW and Accredited Specialist (Family Law)
Kathryn Kearley has over 20 years experience as a legal practitioner and ten years experience as a lecturer at the College of Law. She is the Research & Scholarship Committee Co-ordinator and was recently appointed to a new position created to enhance the College’s educational design capacity.
Mr Adrian Deans
(Secretary) Director, Academic Policy & Quality, The College of Law
BA LLB (Macq); LLM (Sydney); Grad Cert in University Teaching and Learning (CSU); Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW
Adrian Deans is a legal practitioner with nearly 20 years experience in College management and academic governance. He is a former member of the NSW Dept of Education & Training Accreditation Panel, a former AUQA Auditor, and is currently a member of the TEQSA Panel of Experts.