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The College of Law New Zealand is proud to sponsor the 2025 AMINZ Scholarships, supporting the next generation of leaders in dispute resolution. These scholarships provide aspiring professionals with invaluable opportunities to develop their skills in arbitration and mediation through mentorship, observation, and networking.

Each year, two scholarships are awarded by the AMINZ Scholarship Committee:

  • The Determinative Scholarship (Arbitration)
  • The Consensual Scholarship (Mediation)

Scholarship recipients will receive:

  • Mentorship from an experienced AMINZ member
  • Observation opportunities with senior practitioners
  • A speaking slot at the AMINZ Annual Conference
  • Two years of AMINZ Affiliate membership
  • Up to $2,500 for expenses

For more information, including key dates and how to apply, head to the AMINZ scholarship webpage through the link below:



In association with the College of Law New Zealand, the AMINZ Associate programme has been designed to provide a membership pathway for those wishing to become credentialed members of the Institute, and over the course of four semesters provides an excellent general base for understanding the New Zealand constitutional framework and the principles of dispute resolution. Completion of this programme will provide the law and dispute resolution knowledge necessary to meet the AMINZ Associate requirements.

The AMINZ Associate programme is four semesters in total, with three semesters based entirely online, and the fourth semester taking the form of an interactive multi-day training course focused on either mediation or arbitration. Each of the first three semesters have 10 individual modules, and each module will take approximately four hours to complete. Passing each module and each semester is a prerequisite for completion of the course, as is attendance at the fourth semester multi day-training course. Further information can be found here

in association with:




Each online semester costs $2,875 (incl. GST) and is payable in advance.

For enquiries about the cost of Semester 4 and for enrolments, please contact the office at institute@aminz.org.nz.



Semester One

Semester One of the programme will focus on building knowledge of the New Zealand Legal System, and covers a range of topics including the Rule of Law, the Treaty of Waitangi, and Business Structure.

Registrations for Semester One are now open.

Semester Two

Semester Two of the programme provides an Introduction to Legal Obligations, and participants will undertake modules such as Contract Law, Contract Legislation and the Law of Negligence.

Registrations for Semester Two are now open.  

Semester Three

Semester Three introduces participants to Dispute Resolution in New Zealand, and will contain modules focusing on both mediation and arbitration.

Registrations for Semester Three are now open.  

Semester Four

For Semester Four of the Associate Programme, participants will complete either the Mediation Skills Intensive programme or the Arbitration Skills Intensive programme, depending on their area of interest in dispute resolution. These multi-day executive programmes teach critical dispute resolution skills in New Zealand. 

The Mediation Skills Intensive focuses on the stages of the mediation process, identifying and working with various negotiation styles and methods of facilitating problem solving. It provides great opportunities to practice these new skills through practical exercises.  

The Arbitration Skills Intensive brings together top arbitration practitioners, and will be of interest to aspiring arbitrators, lawyers, and other parties involved in arbitration. Attendees undertake a range of informative and practical sessions and workshops that will allow them to engage in an arbitral process confidently and effectively.