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Appeals in family law matters: A Foundation Guide
Course ID ZD250346_FAM
When considering filing an appeal against a decision in a family law proceeding, it is important to understand the purpose of appeal – as well as the nature of decisions against which appeals may be brought.
In this course, you will gain a concise understanding of the appeals process for family law proceedings in New Zealand.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Recognise the jurisdictional basis for commencing an appeal in a family law proceeding
- Compare and contrast the differing appeals procedures in New Zealand courts
- Identify grounds for appeal in family law proceedings
- Evaluate practical considerations when appealing a decision in a family law proceeding
The course focuses on substantive law and procedure, and assumes a basic understanding of civil procedure in New Zealand, as well as how a proceeding is commenced and progresses through the courts.
Key Details:
- Equivalent to 2 CPD hours.
- Available for purchase at any time.
- Access the content for six months from the date of purchase.
Price including GST $230.00