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Commercial leases (NZ): Step by step guide

Course ID ZD250318_BUS

  • Online

You may access this content at any time for up to 6 (six) months from the date of purchase.

In this short course, you will learn about commercial leases; that is, leases of premises that are to be used for commercial as distinct from residential purposes, such as shops, factories and offices.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Advise a client on entering into a commercial lease from both the landlord’s (lessor) and tenant’s (lessee) perspectives. 
  • Carry out the steps in a commercial lease starting from receiving instructions through to registration.
  • Determine if the client's instructions may require negotiations or further information.

This course is equivalent to 2 CPD hours.


Price including GST $230.00