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Introduction to Leadership: Skills Series
Course ID ZD250334_PSK
You may access this content at any time for up to 6 (six) months from the date of purchase.
The concept of leadership is constantly evolving. In this short course you will explore what it means to be a leader, including various definitions of leadership, the different roles of leadership, and the outcomes of effective leadership.
- Topic 1: Defining leadership
- Topic 2: Leadership roles and your personal brand
- Topic 3: Learning to be an effective leader
- Topic 4: Emotional intelligence and resilience
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Craft your personal definition of leadership.
- Summarise the organisational outcomes of successful leadership.
- Recognise the personal and organisational values that are most important to you.
- Identify the elements of emotional intelligence that are critical to effective leadership.
This course is equivalent to 2 CPD hours.
Price including GST $230.00