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Weekly Wellness Tip: Reset your mind to positivity
15 June 2022

Weekly Wellness Tip: Reset your mind to positivity

Published on 15 June 2022

College Of Law - New Zealand    FrontTier

Worrisome events or life challenges can make it difficult to remain positive. But it is possible to decide to focus on appreciating the roses in your life rather than thinking of the thorns. This does not mean pretending to be happy when you are not, but by choosing to fill your mind with positive thoughts, however, you will create a calmer and more hopeful attitude, feel better about yourself and others, and feel more competent to handle everyday challenges.

Here’s how to start thinking more positively:

Reason with facts, not feelings

Changes in your life can make you feel uncertain and anxious, making you fear the worst. If you have experienced a setback, slow down, get the facts, and review your options. Then ask yourself, “If this was happening to somebody else, what advice would I give them?”

Stay connected

Keep in touch with friends and loved ones and be open to developing new friendships. Volunteering your time and keeping active in clubs or groups will help you focus on others more than on yourself. Spend time with positive people who are living active, fulfilled lives.

Schedule time for pleasurable activities

This can boost your spirit and give you something to look forward to.

Become a problem-solver

Instead of wishing problems would go away, take steps to solve them as quickly as possible, asking for support and help from others if needed.

Find the silver lining

Give yourself time to adjust to change or loss. Change can bring new opportunities: Be open to them, realising that while your life may not be the same, it could be better than what you imagine.

Question your deeply held beliefs

Screen out the negatives. For example, if you have a recurring dread of aging triggered when you misplace something, try not to dismiss it as “just old age,” or a faded memory. The real reason for what you are experiencing could be only temporary — such as tiredness, hunger, or having a lot on your mind.

**Adapted from Health Advocate