Taking time each day to do simple activities that calm your body and mind is a powerful way to short-circuit stress, restore a sense of well-being and protect your health.
Here is a list of simple tips to help you reduce your stress and boost your mood.
Try one or several today!
- Take a few slow, deep breaths that extend into your belly to stimulate relaxation.
- Play with or cuddle your pet. This can release oxytocin, a feel-good hormone!
- Read a book or article. Reading can help you bring your focus away from current stressors.
- Take a walk. This tried-and-true suggestion can help you clear your mind, leaving you feeling refreshed, steady, and clear-headed.
- Stretch! If you are feeling mentally tense, reducing your physical tension can help.
- Call or video chat with a friend or loved one. It can help you feel less alone with your stress and make you feel more connected to someone you care about.
- Take a power nap. Try not to nap for too long, as it may negatively impact your nightly sleep. A 20-minute nap can really help you feel refreshed.
- Put together an upbeat playlist to listen to during stressful times. Music can be a great mood booster!
- Watch something funny. Watching a funny animal video online can help take your mind off a stressor—plus, it feels good to giggle.
- Log out of your social media accounts, put your phone down, and do something to help you feel good and unwind. Scrolling through social media can often bring people down.
- Take your mind off something stressful by engaging your brain in a challenge like a crossword puzzle or game of solitaire.
- Spending a few minutes jotting down your worries. Writing them down can help release them from your brain.
- Focus on gratitude. Instead of feeling sad or stressed about what you do not have, focus on what you do have.
- Do something kind. Doing kind things for others can make you feel good too.
- Take 10 to tidy up. Studies show that clutter can make people more stressed. Pick an area of your home or workspace and spend 10 minutes decluttering.