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Weekly wellness tip: 4 Healthy Sleeping Habits for a Better Rest this Winter
17 August 2022

Weekly wellness tip: 4 Healthy Sleeping Habits for a Better Rest this Winter

Published on 17 August 2022

College Of Law    

The winter months don’t just bring shorter days, reduced sun exposure and colder temperatures; they can make us feel much sleepier and less energetic than usual. Research shows that our bodies canactually produce more melatonin, a chemical that induces sleep and regulatesour sleep-wake cycle, or circadian rhythm, in the winter.

So how do you avoid that dreaded winter fatigue and maintain healthy sleep habits?

Here are some tips to help you feel well rested, healthy and happy:

Seek out sunlight during the day

Regular sun exposure helps regulate manyimportant body processes. This includes balancing serotonin levels to helpmaintain mood and happiness, in addition to melatonin production, whichregulates our circadian rhythm. The sun is also an important source of vitaminD, which helps to keep our immune systems in fighting shape, as well asregulate our moods. Committing to regular walks on sunny days and opening your blinds to let in natural light during the day can make a big difference.

Keep yourself physically active

In addition to the obvious health benefits ofstaying active, regular exercise can also help our bodies maintain theircircadian rhythm. When we work out, the brain makes the chemical adenosine,which helps us feel relaxed and sleepy at night. However, it is important tonote that high-intensity exercise will increase your heart rate and bodytemperature, which can make it more difficult to fall asleep. So, if you havetrouble falling asleep, try morning workouts to prime your body for a good night’srest.

Practice good eating habits

When considering your overall sleep quality,remember to consider your daily diet. Eating larger meals and comfort foodsthat are heavy in sugar and carbs can make you feel sleepy but can also lead topoor sleep quality and waking up throughout the night. Practicing healthyeating habits, and incorporating mood-boosting foods like salmon, berries andleafy greens, can help improve daytime function and positively impact youroverall sleep quality.

Improve your air quality

When the temperature is brisk, the air inyour home can get extra dry–especially with artificial heat keeping it toasty.This can cause congestion and irritation in the nose and throat, ofteninterfering with sleep. Consider lowering the heat before heading off to bedand using a humidifier in your bedroom at night to help keep the air moist.

Getting quality sleep each night is crucialnot only to our physical well-being, but to our mental wellness as well.Although the winter months can throw our sleeping habits off their balance,maintaining a good sleep schedule while following these tips can help to keepyou feeling your best.

**HarvardPilgrim Healthcare


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