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Make a Difference to Someone’s Work Day
17 April 2023

Weekly wellness tip: Make a Difference to Someone’s Work Day

Published on 17 April 2023

College Of Law    

At times, life can feel so busy and pressurised that we can struggle to nurture connections with one another. In the work environment in particular, random acts of kindness can really make a difference - a small, kind gesture or word of encouragement can make someone smile and transform their day.

Over time, small acts of kindness can create a positive ripple effect, leading to a happier, more connected and productive workplace at large.

Here are some ideas to encourage random acts of kindness at work.

  • Join someone who is lunching alone or introduce yourself to someone you don’t know.
  • Connecting with others and striking up a conversation is something we thrive on as human beings.
  • Give an unexpected gesture. Offer to make someone a cup of tea or give a compliment, creating a pleasant and unexpected surprise in their day!
  • Express gratitude through a note of appreciation.
  • Listen to someone’s story; we all need to feel heard and seen.
  • Offer to help your colleague out. Actively choosing to step in and lend a hand can make a meaningful difference to someone’s day and sends a message of support.
  • Celebrate a colleague’s success. Taking time to recognise efforts and achievements of others does wonders for boosting team connection, morale and rapport, and ensures people feel valued for what they contribute to the organisation.
  • Whether on a physical board or a virtual platform - leave a note, share a joke or an inspirational quote to bring a sense of fun or enhance team spirit.
  • Celebrate the unsung heroes of your office. Take the time to tell them how much you appreciate them for what they do. Write them a note or send a virtual message to serve as a reminder for them to know they are seen and valued.

Often, it’s the simple things that bring the most joy, and an unexpected friendly word or helping hand can go a long way. You never know, you could end up starting a quiet and kind revolution within your workplace culture.

**Adapted from This is Calmer