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163 - 15 Simple Well-being Reminders 485x323
24 July 2023

Weekly wellness tip: 15 Simple Well-being Reminders

Published on 24 July 2023

College Of Law    

15 Simple Well-being Reminders


  1. Add 10 minutes of exercise to your day
  2. Stay on top of preventive care—schedule any overdue screenings and immunisations
  3. Give yourself a compliment every time you look in the mirror
  4. Leave work at work and home at home, and make the most of your time in both places!
  5. Prioritise! Focus on activities that truly matter to you
  6. Aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night
  7. Try a new exercise!
  8. Create a budget—and stick to it!
  9. Each day, find a way to eat an extra serving of fruit or vegetables
  10. Aim to get 10,000 steps at least five days each week
  11. Take time away from your screens (cell phone, computer, TV, tablet, etc.)
  12. Block out time to slow down and recharge
  13. Choose two days a week to spend one hour doing something you love
  14. Make one healthy vegetarian recipe for dinner every week
  15. Take 10 minutes to mentally unwind before going into bed.

**Adapted from Health Advocate