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179 -Have you Tried These Spiritual Wellness Habits 485x323
20 November 2023

Weekly wellness tip: Have you Tried These Spiritual Wellness Habits?

Published on 20 November 2023

College Of Law    

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Have you Tried These Spiritual Wellness Habits?

Silence and solitude are spiritual wellbeing practices that involve intentionally setting aside time to be alone in a quiet and peaceful environment, free from distractions.

These practices are aimed at fostering a deeper connection with one's inner self – and possibly with a higher power or a transcendent dimension of life if that resonates with you.

A key aspect is Self-Examination

Silence and solitude provide an opportunity for reflection, self-examination, and spiritual contemplation. It's a time to assess one's life, seek clarity, and find a sense of purpose and meaning.

There is enough evidence that suggests that people have better mental and emotional outcomes when they connect their work to a sense of purpose or meaning that transcends their lives.

Silence and solitude can be challenging in a world filled with noise and distractions. If this practice is new to you, we suggest starting small. And building a stronger habit as you grow.