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20 February 2024

Weekly wellness tip: The Power of Laughter

Published on 20 February 2024

College Of Law    

The Power of Laughter

As Charlie Chaplin once said “a day without laughter is a day wasted”.

Laughter can actually improve your health. Research shows that laughter boosts your immune system, elevates your mood, and helps mitigate the impact of stress.

Laughter decreases the stress hormones and triggers the release of Endorphins – the chemicals produced by the body to reduce stress and pain and generate a feeling of joy.

Laughter also increases your intake of oxygen, stimulating your heart and lungs. It may also ease pain by causing the body to produce its own painkillers (Endorphins).

So…. Try to find ways to put humour and laughter into your day:

  • Watch a funny YouTube clip, TV show or movie
  • Listen to a funny podcast
  • Read a funny article or book
  • Go to a comedy club
  • Find a funny joke
  • Share laughter with a friend
  • Do something silly
  • Be playful

And, above all, have fun…….. everyday.