Understanding Autumn Anxiety
As beach time, sunshine, and longer days are on the way out, and autumn makes its way in, some people find themselves feeling anxious and stressed.
A reduction in sunlight leads to falling levels of serotonin, the hormone that affects mood, appetite and sleep patterns, along with an increase in melatonin which makes you feel sleepy and depressed. Plus, a lack of Vitamin D from less exposure to sunlight and having to spend more time indoors can contribute to low mood.
Here are two simple ways to lessen the impact of Autumn's arrival:
Stay Active
Don't let the cooler weather deter you from staying active. Regular exercise is a powerful tool for maintaining good mental health. Consider taking your workouts indoors or exploring new autumn activities like weekend walks, or taking up a new sport.
Embrace the Change
Change is a natural part of life, and the changing seasons are a beautiful reminder of this fact. Instead of resisting the transition, try to embrace it. Take a walk in the crisp autumn air and appreciate the beauty of the falling leaves.
Engage your senses by savouring the unique tastes and smells of the season.