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Data Collection Notice

College of Law Personal Information Collection Notice

Who is collecting your personal information?

College of Law New Zealand Limited (NZBN 9429036109722) (referred to throughout this statement as “we”, “us”, or “College”) is collecting your personal information. The College collects, uses, discloses and otherwise handles your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 (Privacy Act).

How can you contact us?

You can contact us by email (privacy@collaw.ac.nz) by phone (09 300 3151 or 0800 COLLAW ) or in person at Level 8, College of Law Centre, 3 City Road, Grafton, Auckland, 1010, Auckland.


Are we required to collect your personal information?

We are not required by law to collect any Personal Information you may provide to us when seeking access to this content.


For what purposes do we collect your Personal Information?

We are collecting your Personal Information so that we can add you to our alumni community in order to seek your feedback, provide you with information, promote our courses and publications and provide you with other information and offers that may be of interest to you.


What are the main consequences of us not collecting your Personal Information?

The main consequences of us not collecting your Personal Information are that we will not be able to add you to our alumni community in order to seek your feedback, provide you with information, promote our courses and publications and provide you with other information and offers that may be of interest to you.


What persons or entities may we share your Personal Information with?

We may share your Personal Information with our related bodies corporate.


How can I access or correct my Personal Information?

Our Privacy Policy provides information about how you may access Personal Information that is held about you and seek correction of that information.

Will my personal information be disclosed to an overseas recipient?

We may transfer your personal information overseas to our related bodies and/or third party service providers for storage and processing purposes.  The College has campuses located in Australia and New Zealand and has third party service providers in other countries including the United States who may have access to your information.

Who do I contact to complain about a breach of the New Zealand Privacy Principles?

Our Privacy Policy contains information about how you can complain about a breach of the Privacy Act and how we will deal with your complaint.