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NZLPE Part 4 - Property
Course ID ZI251_4
New Zealand inherited the English legal system and all its laws when it was founded as a British colony. New Zealand inherited the English law doctrine of tenure, which is based on the principle of land being held of the sovereign. However, while all land in New Zealand is held of the Crown, the doctrine does not preclude the recognition of Māori rights of possession and occupancy. New Zealand land law therefore has two strains: English and Māori.
This course is designed as a study guide or roadmap to assist you in your reading and thinking about the law of contract in New Zealand and to highlight signposts as you prepare for the New Zealand Law and Practice Examination of the New Zealand Council of Legal Education.
The course is based on the New Zealand Council of Legal Education’s prescription for this subject, which is outlined in the Council’s current NZLPE Information Pack available on their website.
Domestic Students $2,875 (GST inc.)
International Students $2,500
- Module 1: The New Zealand land transfer system
- Module 2: Indefeasibility and its principal exceptions, and powers of correction
- Module 3: Priorities between instruments, and caveats
- Module 4: Mortgages
- Module 5: Leases and licences
- Module 6: Easements and covenants
- Module 7: Encroachment and landlocked land
- Module 8: Fixtures
- Module 9: Co-ownership of land
- Module 10: Māori land
Important Note: Please note that the College's NZLPE Preparation Course is only a preparation course to guide and assist candidates who are sitting the NZLPE. The actual administration of NZLPE is conducted by the New Zealand Council of Legal Education (www.nzcle.org.nz).
The NZLPE Preparation Course is a self-paced online course that has been designed to assist NZLPE candidates study the course prescription. It is a structured course that will provide you with online access to:
- a unit by unit study guide
- access to the prescribed cases and statutes
- quizzes that test your knowledge and understanding
- parts of the online libraries of three New Zealand legal publishers: LexisNexis (NZ), CCH New Zealand and Westlaw NZ
- NZLPE past examination papers since July 2004
- guides to answering the various types of NZLPE examination questions
In addition to the materials you will be accessing online, the College also offers students the ability to have a 30 minute online meeting with one of the College’s specialists in the particular area of law in which you are enrolled.
Entry requirements
You must have completed a Law Degree which has been recognised and assessed by the New Zealand Council of Legal Education.
More information
For general course queries or other general assistance please
Phone: 09 300 3151
Freephone: 0800 COLLAW (265529)
Fax: 09 300 3153
Email: enquiries@collaw.ac.nz