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30 June 2022

Weekly wellness tip: Matariki: Reflect, connect, celebrate

Published on 30 June 2022

College Of Law    

Matariki is a time to hunker down in winter and reflect. It is a time to nourish and nurture ourselves with beautiful wellbeing practices and prepare for the future.

Mostly, Matariki is a time to celebrate. It's Māori New Year!

Below are some ways you can tend to your wellbeing whilst celebrating Matariki this year:

  • Spending time reflecting on the grows and glows of the past year
  • Reflective journaling
  • Lighting a candle in honour of those who have passed
  • Meditation and karakia
  • Writing down your hopes and dreams, and aspirations for the year ahead
  • Taking care of self physically and nourishing your body with sleep, warmth and healthy kai
  • Putting a jacket on and looking for the Matariki stars in the early morning sky
  • Preparing a mid-winter feast with friends and whānau

Winter needn't be a time for us to neglect our wellbeing. In fact, it can be a time to nourish and nurture ourselves more deeply, to honour the past and, in this present time, prepare for a bright, abundant future!

Mānawatia a Matariki!

**Adapted from Groov: Workplace Wellbeing

Related Resources

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